Why Home Matters

Homeownership promotes civic and social engagement.

Homeownership leads to higher test scores and higher graduation and college attendance, especially for children of low-income homeowners.

Homeownership is a catalyst to wealth-building. Home equity represents the largest proportion of wealth (34.5%) for U.S. households.

Decent, affordable housing improves mental and physical health.
Bringing People Together
Habitat’s mission is to bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope.
Group builds are one way people come together and contribute to creating more affordable housing in our community. Bring your group for a day of teambuilding and service: no experience required and Habitat provides all the tools.
Time, Talent and Treasure

Habitat’s Director of Engagement, Maria Drury, says it best when she talks about all the different ways people contribute to Habitat.
“People give their time, talent and treasure. Everyone is a contributor, no matter what form the gift takes.”
Time. Volunteers at Habitat spend time building homes, staffing events, helping in the office, serving on the board and committees, and more. Volunteer Ardie Cole contributes her time helping customers and taking in donations at the store. Recently, Ardie took in a low-vision magnification machine that enables people with macular degeneration to read.
Ardie researched the device online to understand what it was. Then, through her network, she found a friend of a friend who needed one. The woman came to the store and tested the machine. It was exactly what she wanted so she purchased it at a price much lower than a new device would cost. “I’m so grateful for the synchronicities that occur when guided by caring hearts,” says Ardie. “So often, it takes a village.”
Thanks to the time Ardie and other volunteers donate to the Habitat Store, connections are made and wonderful things happen.
Talent. Habitat staffers are talented, to be sure. But it’s a small organization and we certainly don’t have every single skill covered, nor can we be everywhere at once. Volunteers fill out the talent pool and enable Habitat to increase the number of homes built and repaired every year.
David Miller, a former heating and air conditioning mechanic for the military, recently started volunteering for Habitat. Kevin O’Shea, a Habitat site supervisor, knew about David’s background. “Kevin came up to me at the Habitat site I was working on and said, ‘We’re going to a different location today’,” says David.
“There was a couple in Brinnon having problems with their heat pump and no one could find the issue. When I opened the outside unit, I discovered a yellow oily substance on the cabinet bottom. That alerted me that I needed to check for leaks. Sure enough, there was a refrigerant leak in the coil.”
David was able to identify the problem since he was familiar with heating units as a result of his career and training.
Thanks to David’s knowledge of HVAC units, Habitat was alerted to a major problem and addressed it.
“Our community is filled with people who have all kinds of skills that are complementary to our work,” says Kevin. “Please come volunteer for Habitat. We need you, especially since we are more than doubling the number of homes we’re building this year.”
Treasure. Treasure comes in all forms. It could be the used sofa that Habitat sells to support affordable housing. Home sponsorships are a critically necessary treasure.
Gifts-in-kind, which are donations of new goods and professional services for the construction of homes, are treasure. Restricted cash donations, those which donors earmark for specific projects or functions, such as purchasing land, are amazing treasures.
The most versatile type of treasure is unrestricted funds. Unrestricted funds are cash donations that the donor says may be used “where most needed” to support Habitat. Unrestricted funds enable Habitat to take on bigger projects that require more up-front cash, such as the planned 100-plus home development in Port Hadlock.
“Cashflow is extremely important,” says Dave Harrah. Dave donates to Habitat and volunteers in numerous ways such as helping transport things to and from construction sites, picking up and delivering the mail, and serving on the finance committee. “The more unrestricted funds Habitat has, the more projects the organization can take on. You can see the impact they are having, so when I make a contribution, I’m confident that it will be used wisely.”
The “Three T’s” have had innumerable impacts on people’s lives in our community.
Thank you, East Jefferson County for “T-ing” it up and all the ways you come together to build homes, communities and hope!
Contributions of time and talent

Emily Abell
Rosemary Adang
Michele Adkisson
Jane Albee
Sarah Albee
Susea Albee
Rose Alexander
Tori Allen
Zhaleh Almaee
David Alvarez
Kunzang Anadilla
Andreas Andreadis
Elizabeth Andrews
Aaron Apodaca
Crosby Artuner
Douglas Atterbury
Dave Bachtel
Janet Bachtel
Robin Bailey
Deb Baker
Doug Balli
Ryan Barnard
Christopher Bates
Kathey Bates
Erica Bauermeister
Sonya Baumstein
Mark Bauserman
Meredith Beck
Donna Bell
Devon Bennett
Mary Berg
Cathleen Berg
Sam Bezilla
Elizabeth Bindschadler
Mary Biskup
Stefan Biskup
Rob Blackhurst
Bruce Bode
David Bommer
Diane Bommer
Ryan Botkin
Jeremy Botkin
Bobby Bran
Patty Bran
Carolyn Braun
Barbara Breeze
Joe Breznau
Michael Burk
Robyn Burns
Michael Byers
Ellen Michael Caldwell
Lisa Cameron-Kruk
Kevin Camfield
Heidi Camfield
Jean Camfield
Shaelyn Campbell
Isabella Caputo
Joel Carben
Harry Carlson
Mary Carlson
Mary Carr
Chloe Carson
Richard Chambers
Patricia Chambers
John Chrisman
Chris Christie
Tom Christopher
David Clive
Julia Cochrane
Jim Colby
Ardith Cole
Adam Cole
Hazel Coleman Dwyer
Marlene Colvin
Mark Cooper
Terry Copeland
Leda Coughlin
Nina Cousins
Cathy Cowan
Marissa Cox
Steve Crosland
Gina Crosslin
Kathleen Croston
Lynn Cullen
Brian Cullin
Doris Czerep
Gail Danner
Larry Davis
Sara Davis
Piper Davis
Kate Davis
Roger Delmar
Diane Delmar
Kevin DeWaay
Aislinn Diamanti
Mary Anne Dickerson
Victor Dirksen
Katharine Donnelly
Vicky Drury
Cora Drury
Tony Dummigan
Angel Duran
Susan Durgan
Larry Durham
Margot Durham
Janice Dutton
Mindy Dwyer
Donald Dybeck
Celeste Dybeck
Judith Dziuba
Melissa Edwards
Geri Eekhoff
Mary Eggert
Sophie Elan
David Erickson
David Faber
Paul Fiorini
Jeffrey Flammang
Joyce Francis
Patrick Gannon
Gregory Gardner
Kiowan Gardner
Robyn Garing
Margo Garton
Carolyn Gates
Nissa Gay
Yolanda Genaw
Angela George
Laurette Gilbert
Donald Givens
Jeanie Glaspell
Jody Glaubman
Emily Gohn
Jim Golden
Kendra Golden
Denver Gouge
Evgeniy Goussev
Jeanne Goussev
Amanda Grace
Nari Granatelli
Bridget Gregg
Aleta Groenig
Lorie Guilford
Kamuron Gurol
Echo Haapala
Diane Haas
Gloria Hacko
Jon Hall
Lynn Hamlin-Lemaster
Finn Hannum
Isla Hannum
Morgan Hanson
David Harrah
Kate Hawley
Colette Heath
Drew Hendricks
Carrol Hernandez
Jason Hollingsworth
Emily Holmes
Jean Holtz
Kathi Houtcooper
Kathryn Howard
Gwen Howard
Ahren Howard
Calder Howe
Louise Huntingford
Todd Hutton
Joseph Iapaolo
Emily Ingram
Linda Jangaard
Dusty Janke-Call
Teresa Janssen
Jill Johnston
John Johnston
Colleen Jones
Katherine Kehrli
Marcia Kelbon
James Keltner
Jane Keltner
Kristen Kench
Rose Keogh
Brian Kienle
Fred Kimball
Karen King
Alice King
Kathleen Kinney
Kristin Kirkman
Beth Kissinger
Kai Kitaji
Hans Klaudt
Dave Knutson
Paul Kohler
Judy Krebs
Ava Krogh
Will Laidlaw
Sandi Laidlaw
Mary Lou Larson
Jim Lavelle
Frank Layden
Ximenez Leyva
Cheryl Lichttenegger
Kim Lichttenegger
Ryan Lichttenegger
Mary Lindford
Alycia Lindsey
Jaisri Lingappa
Paul Loubere
Janet Lozano
Cindy Lucas
Milton Lum
Doris Lum
Meg Lumsdaine
Paulette Lyle
Brandon Mack
Erica Mack
Kathleen Mack
Lori Macks
Judy Maddox
Lynn Maier
Kathryn Maly
Rian Marsh
Tom Marten
Nancy Martin
Eric Martin-Richardson
Lucia Mascaro
Ivo Mascaro
Lorenzo Mascaro
Ella Massey
Rosemary Massey
Sandy Mathewson
Becca Maurer
Clara Maxwell
Rose Maxwell
Lilith McBride
Bruce McCall
Teagan McDonald
Jonathon McGrath
Melissa McGregor
Jacqueline McInvale
Dolores McKay
Troy McKelvey
Cameron McPherson
Richard Mee
Phyllis Mee
Karmen Meier
Jacqueline Mention
Erin Merklein
Kevin Merrigan
Kristin Metzger
Melinda Meyer
Peggy Mezger
David Miller
Susan Miller
Noah Mohmand
Elizabeth Moller
Ron Moller
Jordan Moon
Lisa Morrow
Eveleen Muehlethaler
Sean Mugrage
Rena Murman
Earll Murman
Jeanne Neal
Pat Nicosia
Judith Noiseux
Teri Nomura
Glenn Norcross
Clint Norrell
Kathy Norrell
Ann Norton
John Nuerenberg
Sarah Nuerenberg
Bela O’Dell
Elizabeth O’Donoghue
Katherine O’Leary-Cole
Debra Olson
Tom O’Meara
Marilyn O’Meara
Robin Ornelas
Kathy O’Shea
Jason Osmer
Christine Ota
Danna Owens
Mary Paxton
Nils Pedersen
Meghan Petak
Julie Peters
Kate Peterson
Steve Petrick
Rylee Phillips
Darian Pina
Sam Pinsky-Dickson
Oceana Plachta
Joanne Pontrello
David K Post
Bethel Prescott
Dave Quinn
Sandy Quinn
Marilyn Radkins
John Reed
John Rehr
Penny Ridderbusch
David Rinn
Russ Ritter
Mike Roddy
Tina Rogers
Polly Rose
Malaika Rosenfeld
Scott Ross
Sharon Ross
Jo Royal
Laurie Rudel
Ellen Ryan
JoAnn Safranek
Lavender Sage
Michelle Sandoval
Cualli Santiago
Deserae Sarnes
Barbara Scamman
Ashley Schenkel
Jacklyn Schepici
Diana Schnaible
Rachel Schuler
Spencer Schwartz
Nicole Sexton
Lura Sheahan
Kathy Shipman
Philip Shipman
Andrew Siegel
Kaliska Simcoe
David Sklar
Ben Sklarfowler
Terry Smith
Levi Smith
Sarah Smith
Helena Smith
Katy Smith
Arica Smith-Simmer
David Snyder
Brian Sorensen
Ariel Speser
Jane Stebbins
Vicki Steiner
Stephanie Stephens
Peter Stockunas
Barbara Stone
Jennifer Sutton
Stephanie Svornich
Sequoia Swindler
Jay Syverson
Dawn Szombathy
Wade Taggart
Bernie Tanzer
Margaret Taylor
Maryellen Taylor
Rod Taylor
Chelsey Taylor
Janice Templin-Weller
Mariela Tenorio
Morgan Terry
Richard Thomas
Susan Thompson
Trevor Thompson
Terri Toennessen
Roxanna Torres
Diana Torres
Lori Tschohl
Barbara Tusting
Susan Uballe
Jim Upshaw
Donna Usa
Anna Valibeigi
Anneke van Krieken
Lauren Vande Hei
Norma VanValkenburg
Enrique Varela
Jennifer Vervynck
Patrisha Voelker
Sandra Wanstall
Elizabeth Weaver
Tiana Webber
Peggy Webster
Holly Weinstein
Hannah Welch
Sharon Welch
Tracey Weld
Steven Williams
Dale Wilson
Stephanie Wilson
Paul Winchell
David Winters
Lynnette Woerne
Mae Wolfe
Sarah Wright
Nancy Wyatt
Robert Young
Deborah Zajicek
Rick Zajicek
Amanda Zamora
Diana Zinn

Contributions of treasure

A conversation with donor Doug Sheffield
Doug Sheffield has followed Habitat for decades. Originally, he had heard the stories about President Carter’s involvement and how Habitat helped people buy their first homes and become self-sufficient. The model appealed to him. He was also influenced by his father-in-law who was a volunteer worker for the EJC affiliate and spoke highly of Habitat.
“I like to give to local organizations where I can see the progress and impact happening,” says Doug. “You can look around and see Habitat houses being built. I feel good about helping folks take a step forward.”
When asked why he gives “unrestricted” funds—money that the organization can use where it sees fit—Doug explained, “I trust the leadership to use the money wisely. They know how to spend the money to get the best results.
“Habitat is a faithful presence,” Doug continued. It’s been around for decades, has stayed focused and has an amazing track record. To me, the best part of the story is the human aspect: seeing how Habitat homeowners’ lives are changed.”

Everyone deserves a decent place to live. Everyone can help make that happen.
For more information, email us at give@habitatejc.org or visit our Support page.

Our generous financial contributors:
Dream Weaver Foundation
Jane & Michael Armstrong Family Fund
Jeannine P. Derrig Trust
Jefferson Community Foundation
Jefferson County
Yamuna Lingappa Mother & Daughter Account
$50,000 – $99,999
Cross Charitable Foundation
Dave Harrah
Earll & Rena Murman
Estate of Ted Rogers*
John W. Weaver, Jr.
$25,000 – $49,999
John & Karen Chrisman
Elaine Eppick
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Mason Street Fund of the Jefferson Community Foundation
Dr. Jim & Noreen McCarron
Rick & Deborah Zajicek
$10,000 – $24,999
Anne Lee Donor Advised Fund of the Jefferson Community Foundation
Debra & Bud Ayres
Bill & Sue Conklin
Jim & Kendra Golden
Kathryn & Martin Malý
Roger & Cameron McPherson
Douglas & Deborah Sheffield
Allen & Catherine Standish
United Good Neighbors of Jefferson County
$5,000 – $9,999
Anonymous (2)
Robert Collins
Kris Davenny
Jim & Judy Dziuba
Eagle Pipe Heating & Air
Joseph Finn
Lauretta & Stanley Frost
Sam & Lili Glast
Haynes Family Charitable Fund
Kitsap Bank
Greg & Ariel Veitenhans
Thomas & Katherine Walker
Rick Waltonsmith

$1,000 – $4,999
Michael & Carol Akers
Anonymous (4)
Carol Baker
William & Pamela Barnet
Phyllis Becker
Cynthia Blacketor
Heidi Bloedel
David & Diane Bommer
Barry Brumitt
Mark & Laura Burn
Susan Butler
Jean & Thomas Camfield
Kevin & Heidi Camfield
Terry & Chris Copeland
Kathleen Croston & Penny Ridderbusch
Carol Davis
Edward & Sara Davis
Victor & Jeanne Dirksen
Patricia & Alan Dombrowski
Maria Drury
Carin Dugowson
Grace Dumenil
Eagle Pipe Heating & Air
Christine Edwards
Laurie Engelbeck
Skip Forster & Sue Clarry
Stanton & Colleen Freidberg
Linda Gaede
Margo & Ron Garton
Pamela Gilbert
Sara & Patrick Shannon
David & Teresa Goldsmith
Matilda Henry
Carolyn Hunt
Mark & Carter Huth
Todd & Jen Hutton
Emily Caryl Ingram
Stan Jonasson
Kristin Kennell
James & Maudie Kerns
Austin & Rita Kerr
Fred & Janie Kimball
Little House
Chelcie & Katherine Liu
Paul & Frances Loubere
David & Linda Lubinski
Milton & Doris Lum
Brad & Christina Mace
Bruce McComas
Sandy McCrae
Bill & Lynn Meyer
Peter & Karen Michaelsen
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Susan Moffat
Dean Morgan & Adele Govert
Ann Norton
Ocean City Storage
Alice Oliver
Thomas & Marilyn O’Meara
Robin Ornelas
Nils Pedersen & Joyce Francis
Linda & Mike Peters
Genevieve Peterson & Jared Brockway
Karl & Lynne Peterson
Joy Pollock
James Prince & Mardee Stadshaug
Quilcene Swim Club
Susan Reid & Stephen Nordine
Russ & Maria Ritter
Joanne Rittmueller & Barney Truman
Pat & Douglas Rodgers
Larry & Audrey Sanderson
Mary Ann Schroeter
Kenneth & Beverly Shelton
Diane Solvik
Lynn & Sharon Sorenson
Brenda Stansfield & James Quinan
Larry & Teri Sumpter
Rep. Steve Tharinger
Jim & Linda Therou
Thrivent Financial
Timothy & Alice Tibbals
Carin & Norm Tonina
Tri-Area Garden Club
Lori Tschohl
Marilynne Urquhart
Roger & Diane Wallihan
George & Shirley Williams
Christopher & Sherryl Wilson
Anthony & Cathy Wise
Sarah Wright & Reed Aubin
$250 – $999
Vicki Adams
Jon Anderson
Elizabeth Andrews & Karen Sturnick
Anonymous (10)
Anonymous Facebook Donors (1)
Brian & Carol Barker
Michael Beard
Pam & John Begley
Joseph Bell
Bet Shira Congregation
Sharon Bodkin
Peter Bonyun
Bonnie Brock
Susan & Michael Burgmaier
Michael & Donica Byers
Gigi Callaizakis & Steve Moore
Hannah Camfield-Bronstein
Mary Carr & Chuck Gibilisco
Ann & John Bethel
Bob Collins
John N Collins & Carol Graves
Lynne Cooper & Gery Kroon
Stephen & Julia Cordz
Brian Cullin
Kate Davis
Katherine DeForest
Roger & Diane Delmar
Steven & Vicky Drury
Ellen Dustman
Donald & Dalene Edgar
Dave & Geri Eekhoff
Entelco Foundation
Nan Evans
James Feit
Harry & Nadine Feldman
Charles F Ferguson III
Food Co-op
Carole & Jim Franklin
Erik & Marnie Frederickson
Pamela Garlett
Belinda & Steve Graham
Elizabeth Hale
Kathryn Hall & Jeffrey Flammang
Marsha Hamacher
Bill Hammer & Jim Miersma
William N Helgeson
Linda Herzog
Barbara Hinchliff
Belinda & Steve Graham
Gwen Howard
Hybra LLC
Robert & Lois Ingram
Insurance Services Group
Nancy Jackson
Janet Jacobs
Gordon & Lois James
Dr. Virginia Johnson, DVM
Gary & Karen Nelson
Katherine Johnson
Lynn & Keith Kessler
Elsie Kimball
Beth Kissinger & John Miller
Karl & Judy Kottemann
Ava & Chuck Krogh
Lynne Cooper & Gery Kroon
Will & S&y Laidlaw
Jacqueline Lapsley & Gregory Bezilla
Michael N Larson
Carolyn Latteier
Cheryl Lowe
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
George & Jamie Maciejewski
Bob Maguire
Don & Claudia Marseille
Tom Marten & Meghan Petak
James McClurg
Margaret McGee & David Schroeder
Barry McKenzie
Dian Campbell & Jeff McLean
Julie Miles & Randy Allworth
David & Linda Miller
Irv Mortensen & Betty Oppenheimer
David & Barbara Nelson
Rebecca Nerison
Newport Academy
Joe & Teril Nole
Katie Oman
Bruce Ottoson
Danna & David Owens
Molly Parker
Claudia & Don Pieper
Elisabeth Pope
Port Ludlow Brokers LLC
Winona Prill
Connie Primus
PT Kiwanis Club Charitable Trust
Sue Raley & Dale Crytzer
Daniel & Cynthia Reid
Debbie Reid
Jayne Riggs & Stan Sivesind
David & Laura Rinn
Janet Robinson
Roberta & Paul Rovner
Beverly Schaaf
Wayne & Peggy Siscoe
Terry Smith
Dr. Sandra Smith-Poling
Richard & Betty Jean Southard
Ariel Speser & Nat Jacob
Ann & Scott Spletstoeser
Tom & Peggy Stanlick
J Steinfort
Jonathan & Betsy Stowater
Josh & Keely Stranahan
Bill & Pat Swain
Leslie & Bernie Tanzer
Bill & Ann Testerman
The Rose Trust
Charles Thrasher & Kathryn Boyker
Cathy Parkman & Jim Tolpin
Turtle Bluff Chamber Orchestra Association
Marvin & Caroline Vose
Robert & Carla Wall
John & Suzanne Ward
Waterfront Pizza
Carla Main & Brad West
Elisa Westall
Penny Westerfield
Don & Sylvia White
D.D. Wigley
Rachel L Williams & Daniel Frymire
Kim Younger
Robert & Diane Zormeir
$1 – $249
Teri & Dan Adams
David Alvarez & Robin Stemen
Amazon Smile Foundation
American Association of University Women
David Amos
Kyanne & Roger Andersen
Andreas Andreadis
David Andrianoff
Anonymous (72)
Anonymous Facebook Donors (3)
James Argites III
Jim & Anne Argites
Nelson Atkin
Atlassian Matching Gifts Program
Michael Aubin & Peggy Albers
Margaret Backer
Jay & Barbara Bakst
Patricia Barrett
Shari Basom
Cathy Beatty & Charlie O’Shea
Leslie Bebout
Ann & John Bethel
Mary & Stefan Biskup
David & Nancy Blessing
Karen Bloomer
Sharon & David Bodkin
Boeing Gift Matching Program
Marie Bogan
Cathy & HR Bohman
Charles & Luan Borgeson
James & Frances Bourasa
Joyce Bradley
Tom & Rosalie Branigan
Jennifer Brinch
Garnett Brooks
Katherine Buchanan
James Bumgarner
Patricia Burns
Ralph & Rhonda Cain
Anne & Bob Cameron
Pamela Camfield
Edward & Lindy Carder
Joyce Cardinal
David Cervantes, Jr.
Jeffrey Chapman
Robert & Wendy Chesney
Carol Christiansen
Dr. David Chuljian, DDS
Teddy Clark
Helen Cleveland
Marilyn Cochran
Ardith Cole
Richard & Esther Conway
Steve & Priscilla Cooper
Mike Cornforth & Linda Martin
Bonnie Corra
Diana Cowan
Katie Cox
Harvey & Jan Crow
Cliff & Janet Crutchfield
Joan Cuddeback
Diana & Gary Cummins
Gerald & Gail Danner
Diane DeFidelibus & Milo Whitson
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Paulette & Dale Dellario
Aislinn & Trent Diamanti
Philip Dinsmore & Wendy Nordquist
Ron & Pam Dionne
Judith Dobszinsky
Katharine & Steve Donnelly
Donita Durgan
Vallery & Richard Durling
Janice Dutton
Donald & Celeste Dybeck
George Edwards & Loueen Boyle
Eric & Barbara Effmann
John & Cathy Effmann
Sophie Elan
Edward Emrick & Kathryn Roark
Estate of Patrick R. Byrne
Robert Ewing
David & Laura Faber
John & Donna Fabian
Samuel Feinson & Emily Henry
Reto & Jana Filli
Janice Fischer
Barbara & Terry Fogerson
Thomas & Jennifer Forest
Martha & John Fort
Joyce & Bob Foster
Hans Frederickson
Jay Fresonke
Marilyn Friedrich
Jerauld & Cecelia Fry
Heidi Gali
Gary Elmer & Jackie Gardner
Nancy Giebink
Joe Gillard & Nicole Persun
H T Gillespie
Joan Gitelman & Gordon King
Donald Givens & Jan Kittleson
Richard Glaubman
Liz & Daniel Goldstein
Nari Granatelli
Robert & Barbara Gray
Susan Greene
Grounded Solutions Network
Lorie & Newman Guilford
Kamuron Gurol & Tina Rogers
Josephine Hadlock-King
Deborah Hammond
Ken & Lucie Hamner
John Hanratty
Steve & Betty Hansen
Richard & Kathleen Hawn
Elizabeth & Henry Hazen
Marge Helander
Kim & Phillip Henry
Alan & Patricia Herold
Megan Hilfer
Kathy Hill
Corrina Hollister
Emily Holmes & Vernon Barnett
Suzanne Holmes
Willean Hornbeck
Gail Hotohkee
Lorilee Houston
Kathi Houtcooper
Ahren & Amy Howard
Tom & Kathryn Howard
Judith Hoyle
Carol Hurley
Lois Huth
Patricia & Martin Ivers
Joyce James
Claus & Teresa Janssen
Mark Jochems
Cassandra & Shaun Johnson
Errol & Ginger Johnson
William & Karen Johnson
Rick Kelley & Barbara Sharpe
Diane Kelly
Rita Kepner & John Matthiesen
Marshall Keymer
Darrell Kimmerly
Alice & David King
Diana Kinsella
Rick Klebanow
Paul & Rosine Kohler
Jane Kopriva
David & Anne Krabill
Michael & Ron Kubec
Sandra LaFon Nunn
Paula Lalish
Julie Lanza
Alfred & Susan Latham
Helen Lauritzen
Maria Leal
Barry & Ellen Lerich
Oscar Lind & Carol Lindcroft
Dixie & Dave Llewellin
Chris Llewellyn
Maria Logan
Vicki Long
Chloe Lopez-Kennison
Kitty Mabus
Beth Mahar
Lynn Maier
Pam & Greg Marchand
Robert & Susan Marett
Lynn Marlow
Michael Marston
Christine McCormick & David Scherer
David & Julie McCulloch
Catherine McFadden
Allegra McFarland
Andrew & Susan McGregor
Pam McKenney
Pat & Doug McMinds
Walter & Sarah McQuillen
Paul McShane
Richard & Phyllis Mee
Melton Family Trust
Samuel & Marilyn Melton
Maria Mendes
Elisabeth Mention
Microsoft Rewards / Giving With Bing
Erik Mikkelsen
Amanda Milholland & Gabriel Van Lelyveld
Robert Molise
Jeannette Mougel-Fujita
Darvin & Ginger Mulkey
Wayne & Kimberly Nagy
Dr. Elaine & Dr. Gary Nelson
Rachel Nervik
Heidi Nielsen
Hans Klaudt & Judith Noiseux
Clint & Kathy Norrell
John & Sarah Nuerenberg
Michael & Kathy Nyby
Kathy O’Shea
Ann Owsley
Janet Palmer
Gregory & Carol Paulson
Paypal Giving Fund
Iris & Neville Pearsall
Sara Peck
Deborah Pedersen & Bruce Cowan
Dr. Steen Pedersen & Dr. Erika Lawson
Holly & Erik Pedersen
Julius Pedersen
Nina Peltin
Jane & Will Peoples
Josh Peters
Burt & Linda Peterson
Cathy Cowan & Kate Peterson
Doug Pierce
Linda Pratt
Susan Pratt & Richard Williams
Barbara Priest
Dan Quail
Mickie & Allie Quigley
Richard & Geralynn Rackowski
Z. Jack* & Edith Randall
George Randels
Sandy Rawson
John Raymond & Susann Meyer
William Recher
John Reed
Charles Reeder
Elizabeth Renkor
Liz Revord
Beverly Rich
Nancy Richards
Anne Richardson & Richard Lynn
Jackie & Cliff Rick
Jackie Rick
Mary Riggen
Catharine Robinson
Sally Rogers
Sally Scholz
Joseph & Nancy Schum
Marcia Schwendiman
Beverly Scott
Serendipity Farm
Ken Shachmut
Sara & Patrick Shannon
Rosemary & Ronald Sikes
Kim & Judy Simonelli
Michael & Kay Smallwood
Catherine Snider
Robert Snow
The Sowatsky Family
Susan & Thomas Sparks
Katrina Spear
Janet Sprague
David Stallings
Jennifer Stankus
Valerie Stapleton
Jean & Jack Stastny
Stephanie Stephens
Katherine Stevenson & Mike Morrissey
Jan & Robert Stewart
Deborah & Jerry Stinson
Veronica Stoneman
Rosemary Streatfeild
Pat & Don Stromberg
Jeffrey Saeger & Linda Sullivan
Jim & Mary Sundeen
Deirdre & Terrence Sweeney
Wanda Synnestvedt
Marcey Szablya
Susan & Steve Taylor
Janice Templin-Weller
The Bishop Hotel
Stuart Todd
Stephen & Cathy Tucker
Susan & Esiquio Uballe
Tom & Connie Unsicker
Donna & Gary Usa
Anneke van Krieken
Darin Vercoe
Suzi Villamil
Peter von Christierson
David Vreeland
Dave Wagner
Judith Walls
Louise Warren
Melody Sky Weaver
Fred & Ann Weinmann
Charlotte Wells
Joyce Wenz
Grace & Gary RoeBrian Rogers & Sherry Modrow
Deb Rose
Laura & Bernard Rosenberg
John & Nancy Rowe
Russell Rucky
Jarilyn Rust
Jack & Carolyn Salmon
Mary Jane Wertz
Thomas & Wendy White
Leslie Williams
Ralph Williams
David Winters & Sandra Wanstall
Christine & Mark Witte
Lynnette Woerne
Frederic Wood
David & Jeanette Woodruff
Wright Runstad & Company
Pat Yearian
Candace Young
Jo & George Yount
Bruce Zalneraitis
Mason Street
Anonymous (3)
Jane & Michael Armstrong Family Fund
Jeannine P. Derrig Trust
Jefferson Community Foundation
Mason Street Fund of the Jefferson Community Foundation
Roger & Cameron McPherson
Earll & Rena Murman
Cars for Homes
Barry Brumitt
Jay Fresonke
Carrie Heins
Barbara Hinchliff
Julie Lanza
Maria Logan
Bob Maguire
Roger & Cameron McPherson
Doug Pierce
Dan Quail
Charles Reeder
Elizabeth Weaver
House Sponsors
Richard and Patricia Chambers in memory of Josephine Chambers and Corrine Worstell
Bill & Sue Conklin
Cross Charitable Foundation
Bill* & Elaine Eppick
David Harrah
Beth Lorber* & Peter Bonyun
Terry & Paulette Lyle
Duke & Jeanne Shold
Allen & Kay Standish
Swift Plumbing & Heating Inc.
The Estate of Paul Anderson*
The Estate of Ted Rogers*
Elizabeth Weaver
John W. Weaver, Jr.
Robert & Carol Young
Land Sponsors
Anne Lee Donor Advised Fund of the Jefferson Community Foundation
Anonymous (2)
First Fed Foundation
Jeannine P. Derrig Trust
Earll & Rena Murman
Jeanne & Duke Shold
Yamuna Lingappa Mother & Daughter Giving Account
Critical Repair Program Sponsors
Dennis & Carol Burke
Jeannine P. Derrig Trust
Jim & Judy Dziuba
Jefferson County
Legacy Circle
We thank those who have promised to support Habitat through a planned gift. The Legacy Circle includes estate gifts realized between July 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022, as well as living members of our Legacy Circle, who have informed Habitat of their intent to include us in their estate planning.
Anonymous (3)
Deb Baker
James Beis
Mary Carr & Chuck Gibilisco
Bill & Sue Conklin
Terry & Chris Copeland
Jim & Judy Dziuba
Estate of Ted Rogers*
Amy Howard
Carolyn Hunt
Mark & Carter Huth
Emily Caryl Ingram
Janell Jelliffe
Bryan Landry
Lynn Maier
Cheron* & Bill Mayhall
Brenda McMillan
Natalie Oswald
Jamie Parker
Mary Radcliffe
Penny Ridderbusch
Kirk & Patti Rowdabaugh
Helen Ann Skowyra
Kate Sullivan
The Rose Trust
Clinton & Pat Webb
Rick & Deborah Zajicek
With thanks to many businesses and organizations
A+ Equipment Rentals
AAUW Groundbreakers
ABC Pump Co
Al Bowman at Edward Jones
Alpha Builder Corporation
Arrow Lumber & Hardware
Carl’s Building Supply
Corvus Crafts
Cotton Redi-Mix & Shold Excavating Inc.
Eagle Pipe Heating & Air
eCoe Company
Edensaw Woods, Ltd.
Edward Jones
EnerConn Electrical Solutions
Faber Feinson PLLC
Finnriver Cidery
First Fed
The Food Co-op
Fusion Creative Works
Frangipani Corporation
Gear Head Deli
Good Man Sanitation
Groves and Co., Inc.
Hadlock True Value Building Supply
Henery Hardware
HOPE Roofing
Housing Solutions Network
Housing Washington
Insurance Services Group
James Lail Construction
Kitsap Bank
Law Office of Steve Dowdell
Life Design Homes LLC
MK Appraisals & Home Inspections
Munn Bros Hood Canal Properties
NWA Environmental
Northwest Maritime Center
Ocean City Storage
Old Consulate Inn
Olympic Art and Office
Olympic Community Action Programs
Olympic Springs
Pacific Inspection Services LLC
Pizza Factory
PT Shirt Company
Port Ludlow DigitalLife
Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader
Port Townsend Elks Lodge #317
Port Townsend Garden Center
Port Townsend Marine Science Center
Printery Communications
Quimper Mercantile
Reed Residential Electric
Rose Theater
Ross Chapin Architects
RW Custom Construction & Remodeling Inc.
Satchworks Auto Repair
Schneider Electric/Square D
Sequim PC Users Group (SPCUG)
Shold Landscape Products
Sitewise Design PLLC
Sound Concrete Solutions
Strait Floors
Stratum Group
Swift Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Tarboo Fire Protection & Extinguisher Service
Terrapin Architecture PC
Terry’s Lock & Safe, Inc.
Tri-Area Garden Club
Yale Locks
* indicates deceased